Saturday, January 30, 2010

Random Blarg

(because it's coming out, one way or another)

This has been an interesting week. At work, I got my interview for the permanent-employee version of my job. I feel really good about it, and unless they find a better me than me, I think it's going to go in my favor. I love my job, and for multiple reasons I want this, one of which is health insurance for my family.

We spent the latter half of the day today watching our girls in their school variety show, and shopping for necessities. We barely have the means to do that anymore, since we are in the thirteenth month of my husband's unemployment. But, any time we have a little bit extra, we usually head over to Walmart or Target. This has been a rough year. I've never actually felt so close to poverty before. We've had to tighten our belts before, but I've never had to choose between bills and food until now.

So there are times when I am so stressed and so exhausted that the idea of writing seems like a sweet dream I can vaguely recall. But this week, I have stuck to my guns and have followed my organizational plan. Some of my writing I'm happy with, and some has been crap. (Speaking of which, I am following a new blog at Dissident Writers. I am definitely highlighting this on a Wednesday!) But overall, it's a WIN for the week.

I don't know if I'm going to be able to always keep up, but I am going to try. I have learned to persevere in life, and I will continue as long as I can. I can only imagine that exhaustion will be my biggest obstacle.... if I miss a post, it's because I've passed out on my way to the computer!

We shall see what we shall see.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for mentioning DW! I'll have my fingers crossed for you for the job :) Best of luck!
