Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Share The Wealth

Today's link of the day goes to The Dissident Writer's blog, created by Emilie Cross. This blog is dedicated to those of us who sit staring at the blank page, compelled by some masochistic force to write... something, anything..... and yet allows us to delete it when we determine it is utter crap. If you think you may be a dissident writer, but are not sure, take the assessment here.

If you are a writer who eats, sleeps, and breathes writing, and from whom the words flow like milk and honey wrapped in love, you should visit the blog for entertainment value. But if you feel you may belong to the group of dissidents, join us and embrace your anti-calling.

Emilie has graciously invited me to contribute to the blog, and as soon as I write something coherent, I will certainly post it!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the shout out CE :)

    Hopefully we'll have more dissidents soon :)
